woensdag 31 oktober 2012

ZE:A, Children of Empire!

I'm not a Kpop fan, but I totally Love ZE:A!

I already mentioned ZE:A briefly in my previous entry. I'm not exactly a Kpop fan (I probably prefer Jpop), but I seriously love ZE:A's music.To be honest, I probably only fell in love with ZE:A, because I was bored and love cute guys. So, Minwoo itself was enough to force me and check them out.

Let me explain, Minwoo didn't just appear from tin air of course. It's just that he happens to be a member of 3peace☆Lovers together with Nikaido Hayato and Sasaki Yoshihide. And Sasaki Yoshihide happens to be one of my favorite Jpop artists. I don't think I have to explain more.
Anyway It was a warm summer day. All my friends were on holiday and I really didn't have anything to do. Because of Hide-kun (Sasaki Yoshihide) being  a member of 3peace☆Lovers, it's obvious I checked it out. Then, it didn't take long for me to decide Minwoo was pretty cute. (everyone agree?) So, I was totally bored and the fact Minwoo was cute, was actually enough reason to listen some of ZE:A's music.The first song I came across (the one use in the 3peace☆Lovers introduction video: Heart for 2)  immediately convinced me ZE:A's music was awesome!

Heart for 2 MV

To be honest, initially I didn't want to bother and learn the names of all 9 members. Somehow they looked all the same to me, so it'd be really troublesome to even try to differentiate between them. Still being bored to death, I randomly watched some videos. Every time I just tried to spot Minwoo. Eventually, if I wanted it or not, I started to recognize the other members too. After a while I knew exactly who they were. (Let's try to write down all their names without looking it up: Junyoung, Kevin, Heecheol, Minwoo, Dongjun, Siwan, Hyungsik, Taeheon and Kwanghee) By that time I didn't only discover their music was awesome (also totally loved Here I am, Daily Daily and Watch out! to name a few), but the members themselves were awesome too! Their personalities are really diverse, so it's impossible not to like at least some of them. (On the contrary, it's also not that hard to dislike some of them... Sorry Kwanghee, you're just annoying in my view... but I still love you in some way, without you ZE:A wouldn't be ZE:A.) They really went through a lot of trouble to be able to stand where they are now. They really have my respect.

So, by the time I discovered how awesome they were, it was about time for their comeback with the 2nd album, Spectacular. Even though I was pretty much broke, I ordered the Special Edition of the Album... and I don't regret it a bit. I believe I told myself it was some sort of graduation present to myself. Or something like that. The 2nd album Spectacular, it was certainly spectacular. I can't say I like all songs completely, but there's a good amount I really do like. I guess 'Someday' turned into my favorite song of the album almost immediately, but also 'Never End', 'S.A.D. (Something in A Dream)', 'Begin with Kiss' and 'Love is Gone' are absolutely amazing.
I believe many people really liked 'Body to Body', but somehow that song didn't really appeal to me. And then I read a lot of mixed reactions about 'Aftermanth' or 'After effect' (whatever you prefer). Some people disliked the song. Some people disliked the MV. Some people disliked both. And some people liked both. 

Aftermath MV

Just talking about the song. I think it was okay. It wasn't awesome, but it wasn't bad either. I quite like listening to the song. The song somehow really fitted my mind back during the release, as I repeatedly failed my driving exam back then. The only thing going through my mind was ♪Wish I could turn back time♪. I have nothing more to say about it. The song was good.
Then, I heard quite a few people mention the MV looked cheap,... because they had this digital screen creating the background. To be honest, I quite liked it. I really loved whatever they did with that screen. It really amazed me actually and the word 'cheap' didn't even cross my mind. Well, I can't say much more about it. The actual MV was probably the same as the song. Not amazing, but good. I had nothing in particular that I really disliked about it.
Talking about something I did dislike... those clothes! Maybe saying I disliked it isn't the right word, but those outfits were certainly really... strange? I can't say much actually, those clothes just really left me speechless. Anyway, I didn't really care about it... I assumed their clothes would go back to normal at a certain point of time, so there wasn't much to worry about. I just really told myself to ignore the clothes and enjoy the music. Because, in the end it's just really about the music, right?

When it comes to enjoying the song, I actually think I liked the Moon Leader remix, that was released not too long ago, better, but well...It's really great to have him back. Still I really wonder what on earth he did with his Ankle that it took this long to heal. (or maybe it just feels like it took extremely long...)

Aftermath Moon Leader remix

Anyway, ZE:A is awesome. If it's not for their music, it's just because their personalties are great. All these boys are just so damn sweet! (Except Kwanghee, he's just annoying... but that's his charm...) But, I guess Minwoo just stays my favorite... for no apparent reason. All of them have been working really hard to get where they are and they really deserve more attention then they get. I'm really proud of them and I'll continue to support them in the future for sure! Ah well,... I'm really looking forward to see them grow.

ZE:A Fighting!

maandag 29 oktober 2012

Gangnam Style [English version]

Read the original Dutch version HERE.
The music sensation of 2012! PSY turns music world is up-side down!?

About 2 months ago. Through one of the many social media (tumblr) existing today, I got linked to a video on youtube. The uploader combined some video footage of her favorite Korean group with a song of another Korean artist, Gangnam Style of PSY. (Never heard of him back then) The video was somewhat funny (if you are a fan of ZE:A), but the music didn't stay in my mind for long. It's not strange to say I was honestly surprised when this song took over the world only a few weeks later and it was even played on the Dutch radio.

Oppa ZE:A Style

How he did it, it's a mystery, but within a few weeks PSY turn the music world up-side down. If it's really the music or the dance, we can't be sure, but it's certain he became the music hit of 2012. Or at least, he really appears to be.

Within no time, PSY takes oover the world. His song doesn't only top the Korean charts, but also receives a top 1 rating in countries like the US, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Also in the Netherlands Gangnam Style tops the chart. Even on youtube PSY does extremely well. Never before a video received so many likes.
  Gangnam Style - PSY

And now, all of a sudden K-pop is hot! Or well, actually I don't notice it at all. My friends who like K-pop don't even mention PSY, and my friends who don't like K-pop don't talk about him either. So maybe, nothing changed? He's probably just some hype that'll be gone soon enough. Besides, changes he'll be able to do such a thing again are really low if you ask me. So many people know Gangnam Style, but I didn't hear anything about his other music. Well, maybe that only makes it more special he managed to top the charts in so many countries.

To be honest, I'm really surprised he topped the charts with this song. I can't say I listen to much K-pop, but I've heard much better songs that deserve to get attention from the whole world. Yes, I just can't get myself to like Gangnam Style. The melody is somewhat okay, but the lyrics are just crap. Same goes for the music video, it's crap. No matter what people say, Gangnam Style has really the worst K-pop music video I've ever seen.

Well, let's stay nice. It's just not my style. Luckily for PSY, there are a lot of people who don't share my view on the song. So, all that's left is to congratulate him. Even though I don't like the song, I can't be not happy for him. 

Gangnam Style

Read the English translation HERE

PSY, de muziek sensatie van najaar 2012! De muziekwereld staat volledig op z'n kop!?

Ongeveer 3 maanden terug, via één van de vele sociale media (tumblr) die tegenwoordig in gebruik is, wordt ik gelinkt naar een filmpje op youtube. De uploader heeft videobeelden van haar favoriete Koreaanse  groep  ZE:A gecombineerd met het muzieknummer van een andere Koreaanse artiest, Gangnam Style van PSY blijkt later. (Nooit van gehoord destijds) Het filmpje is wel grappig (als je een fan van ZE:A bent), maar de muziek bleef me niet bij. Stel je mijn verbazing voor als enkele weken later dit nummer de hele wereld overneemt en ik het zelfs op de Nederlandse radio hoor!

Oppa ZE:A Style

Hoe hij het deed, dat is een raadsel, maar binnen enkele weken zet PSY de muziekwereld op z'n kop. Of het nu echt zijn nummer Gangnam Style is, of het dansje wat hij erbij verzonnen heeft, dat kan niemand met zekerheid zeggen. Wat we wel weten, hij is de muzieksensatie van najaar 2012. Of daar lijkt het tenminste sterk op.

Binnen de kortste keren weet PSY de hele wereld voor zich te winnen. Het nummer stond niet alleen bovenaan de Koreaanse hitlijsten, maar sleepte ook de hoofdprijs binnen in landen als de Verenigde Staten, Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland en Groot-Brittanië. Ook in Nederland wist Gangnam Style tot de nummer 1 positie door de dringen. Ook op youtube doet PSY's Gangnam Style het goed. Nooit eerder kreeg een video op youtube zoveel likes.

Gangnam Style - PSY

Door deze mijlpaal is K-pop opeens helemaal hot! Hoewel, in mijn naaste omgeving merk ik er eigenlijk maar weinig van. Al mijn vrienden die al van K-pop hielden spreken er niet over en mijn vrienden die niets met K-pop hebben, die hoor ik er ook niet over. Het is dus maar de vraag hoeveel er nu eigenlijk veranderd is. Het is waarschijnlijk weer zo'n hype die binnen de kortste keren overwaait. De kans dat PSY zijn succes zal evenaren met een nieuw nummer acht ik nihil. Bijna iedereen kent Gangnam Style, maar over de rest van zijn muziek hoor je eigenlijk niets. Dat maakt het misschien des te bijzonderder dat PSY zo hoog in de hitlijsten kwam in zoveel landen.

Om eerlijk te zijn ben ik echt verbaasd dat dit nummer tot de nummer 1 positie heeft weten te komen. Ik kan niet zeggen dat ik veel K-pop luister, maar er zijn echt zoveel betere nummers die ik veel liever in de hele wereld bekend had gehad. Ja, ik vind Gangnam Style nu niet bepaald een geweldig nummer. Qua melodie is het misschien wel oké, maar de lyrics slaan echt nergens op. Hetzelfde geld overigens voor de video. Mensen kunnen veel zeggen, maar van alle K-pop muziekvideo's die ik heb gezien, was die van Gangnam Style echt de slechtste.

Om het netjes te zeggen, het is gewoon niet mijn stijl. Gelukkig voor PSY zijn er heel veel mensen die mijn mening niet delen. Daarom rest mij hem alleen nog te feliciteren met zijn succes en laat ik dit onderwerp verder met rust. Ik heb mijn zegje gedaan en iedereen is vrij om zijn zegje er aan toe te voegen.