dinsdag 19 november 2013

[Scanlation] Ohimesama Navigation - 1st period

Hi everyone!

I'm back!! Exactly a week ago I celebrated my 24th birthday and received some lovely parts to upgrade my PC! It took a while, but it's running perfectly now!! (Oh, yes... I'm happy!)

Anyway, because of this upgrade, I have access to photoshop again!! And thus I'm able to do some (crappy) scanlation again!!

As most of you probably already notice, ryColaa finished scanlating the last few chapters of Bloody Monday, so... no need for me to work on that anymore!

Instead I decided to get you the first chapter of Ohimesama Navigation (as I already translated that chapter, but the group that's working on it appears to be a little dead.)

So, enjoy!!


Note: I'm not sure if I'll be scanlating more chapters. Depends a bit on if I'll be able to find the time to translate more chapters. ^-^ 

maandag 30 september 2013

A little note

Hi everyone, 
I'm pretty sure a bunch of you are (were) waiting for the next chapter of Bloody Monday. Unfortunately, I had to switch computers when my older brother returned from Japan last month (because he needed it for work) and my current PC is too old/slow to run Photoshop. I tried to install PS on my mini-laptop a few days ago, but within a few seconds it was clear it didn't really appreciate that, so I had to cancel the procedure.

In short, I didn't have access to and won't have access to PS for a while. So, don't expect any scanlations from me at this moment. (meaning: until I get a job and earn enough money to buy myself a fancy new PC)

But around that time that I lost my lovely PC, Rocking Horse Scans offerered a little help to get the last few chapter done and 3 days ago they finally released chapter 34!
It took them a while and I almost feared they wouldn't get to it anymore, but... they proved me wrong. ^-^ They'll be doing the rest of the chapter as well, so please head over there to read the end of the series!!

And that's the end of my message! 

donderdag 22 augustus 2013

[scanlation] Bloody Monday - Last Season ~ File 32

Hi everyone, 
I'm back again with the next chapter. Since it's just some simple typesetting (and no extensive cleaning), this actually goes pretty fast...

Except that, I don't have much to say I guess. I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter! 

File 32 Successor


maandag 19 augustus 2013

[Scanlation] Bloody Monday - Last Season ~ File 31

Hi everyone,
I didn't expect to be back this soon, but after I noticed it's been a while since a chapter of Bloody Monday's last season got scanlated. Feeling my translation went to waste, I decided to give it a go myself. I think this is a really great series and it would be a shame if the last few chapters didn't get scanlated.

Again, please note I’m just a translator. Cleaning, editing and typesetting aren’t my specialty. Actually, because I think the scans are good enough as they are, I actually didn't do any cleaning. I just removed the Japanese text.

Well, I hope you all enjoy!


I'll probably try to get the last few chapter (and the special chapter) done as well... But, as it'll be done in-between the translating and subbing, I can't really guarantee how long it'll take... not that long I guess...

donderdag 8 augustus 2013

[Scanlation] Sakurasaku Syndrome Chapter 1

Hi everyone!

Sure sure, I know I'm only a simple translator, but... a while ago I was asked to translate Sakurasaku Syndrome by a (new) scanlation group, but it appears they died before they even released one chapter.

Even thought I only read & translated  one chapter by now, I think its a series with great potential and it would be a shame if it didn't get scanlated. That's why I decided to give it a try myself.

Please note I’m just a translator. Cleaning, editing and typesetting aren’t my specialty. Yet I think I didn’t do a bad job, considering this is my first ever try to clean a magazine raw. The quality of the cleaning (probably) increases with every page (I hope), but there’s still a lot of space for improvement, I’m aware of that. You're free to point out my mistakes, but I doubt I’ll actually remember it. I’m a translator after all and not an aspiring cleaner. ^-^

No watermarks this time (because I'm lazy), but that still doesn't mean it's okay to steal my work!!

Have a fun read!


dinsdag 11 juni 2013

[Scanlation] Capricorn Act 6

Capricorn volume 2 - Act 6

Hi everyone,
just a a something I did in-between other things, because I somehow felt like it and had the translation of the chapter anyway.

Please remember I'm not a professional scanlator. My cleaning abilities aren't "amazing", nor are my typesetting skills. Still I think it's decent enough to share and enjoy.

I don't mind if people want to share and upload this chapter anywhere, but please remember it's my work and you can't take any credit for it. So don't remove the watermark-thingies I put on the pages just in case someone doesn't know any shame and dares to claim these to be his/her work. One of my friends recently became a victim of such a shameless person, so I felt it necessary to put the watermarks in there. (Watermarks say it's a scanlation of Ranyaku, but it's actually a scanlation of Aotama... yes, I'm an idiot.)

Well, I hope you all like it! Can't promise I'll do any more chapters, but you'll never know. (If you really would like to read the translations of other chapters, please let me know and I'll tell you were to find them.)

Note: discovered some little mistakes in the translation, will try to update this as soon as possible.


Also, this scanlation is not meant to replace the official releases. Please buy an official copy of the (English) manga whenever it is released.
Using this scanlation for commercial purposes (etc.) is not allowed!

zondag 6 januari 2013

Let's learn Japanese ~Lesson 6: Grammar (3)~

Lesson 6: Grammar (3)

Hi everyone! Here's another lesson introducing some more grammar to all of you. It won't be too much, because I am too lazy to explain all that much right now. Actually I really badly want to watch some more episodes of Naruto Shippuuden, but I'm forcing myself to do something remotely useful before that. (Anyway, prepare yourself! I'll probably use some by Naruto influenced example sentences.) Alright then, let's get started!


The word そうis often used to answer a question that need to be answered either affirmative or negative. はい、そうです。is the affirmative answer.  いいえ、そうじゃありません。is the negative answer. 違います (ちがいます)can also be used as a negative answer.

Example sentences
その本はカカシ先生のですか?                   Is that master Kakashi's book?
...はい、そうです。                                         ...Yes, it is.

あれはナルトの靴(くつ)ですか?                        Are those Naruto's shoes?
...いいえ、そうじゃありません。                              ...No, they aren't.

これはサクラの冊子ですか?                         Is that Sakura's magazine?
...いいえ、違います。                                      ...No, it isn't.

Using this structure, you ask the listener to choose between alternatives, S1 or S2. With this kind of question neither はい nor いいえ can be used to answer.  

Example sentences
これは「本」ですか、「冊子」ですか?                             Is this a "book"  or a "magazine"?
...冊子です。                                                                               ...It's a magazine.

Is that a "kunai" or a "shuriken"?
...It's a kunai.


These demonstratives work pretty much the same as これ、それ andあれ which were discussed before. ここ、そこ and あそこ don't refer to items, but to places. ここ is the place where the speaker is, そこ is the place where the listener is and あそこ is the place far from both the speaker and the listener.
こちら、そちら and あちら are demonstratives that refer to directions, but they can also be used to refer to one's position, in which case they are politer than ここ、そこ and あそこ. こちら is used to refer to a place remotely close, そちら for a place a bit further away and あちらfor a place even farther away.

N1N2 (place)です

Using this sentence pattern, you can explain where a place is.

Example sentences

トイレはあそこです。                                                  The toilet is over there.
会議室(かいぎしつ)は2階です。                          The conference room is on the second floor.
ツナデ姫(ひめ)は事務所(じむしょ)です。       Lady Tsunade is in the office.


どこmeans "where" and どちらmeans " which direction". Both can be used to ask the location of something or someone. When asking directions to a place it's advised to use どちら, because people will actually point you to the direction, instead of just telling you where it is.

example sentences
ツナデ姫のじむしょはどこですか?                            Where is the office of Lady Tsunade?
...あそこです。                                                                  ...It's over there.

一楽ラーメンはどちらですか?                   Where is Ichiraku Ramen?
...そちらです。                                                          It's in that direction.

どこand どちら are also used to ask the name of a country, company, school or other place or organization one belongs to. You cannot use なん.

example sentence
ナルトの国はどこですか?                     What country is Naruto from?
...木ノ葉です。                                          He's from Konoha.

(いいえ、火の国です。木ノ葉は街です。No, it's the Land of Fire. Konoha is the city.

Alright, that's all for today grammar! Next time we'll start with verb!


I have a bunch of words for you to learn!

ここ                                                                    Here, this place
そこ                                                                    There, that place near you
あそこ                                                                There, that place over there
どこ                                                                    Where, what place

こちら                                                                This way, this place
そちら                                                                That way, that place near you
あちら                                                                That way, that place over there
どちら                                                                 Which way, where

きょうしつ                    教室                     classroom
しょくどう                    食堂                     dining hall, canteen
じむしょ                          事務所               office
かいぎしつ                     会議室                conference room, assembly room
うけつけ                          受付                    reception desk
ロビー                                                          lobby
へや                                    部屋                   room
トイレ                                                           toilet, rest room
かいだん                          階段                     staircase
エレベーター                                               elevator, lift
エスカレーター                                           escalator

くに                                                              land, country
かいしゃ                          会社                        company
いえ                                                              house
まち                                    町/街                  city, town

でんわ                               電話                     telephone
くつ                                                              shoes
たばこ                                                             tabacco, cigarette

うりば                                売り場                 department, counter (in a department store)
ちか                                    地下                     basement
‐かい                             ‐階                        -th floor
なんがい                          何階                       what floor

Extras (just because I used those)

くない                       苦無                       not really a knife, but maybe a dagger or something. Please google if you don't know.
しゅりけん                    手裏剣                    a throwing star
ひめ                                                            princess, a lady of noble birth
いちらくらーめん    一楽ラーメン            the fictional noodle shop that's regularly visited by Naruto
このは                            木ノ葉                   the fictional city where Naruto lives in. Also, a leaf of a tree               

Then, I already said I'm lazy, so there's so sentences to translate this time! Please try to make some yourself. Just tell where everything in your room is. And if it is what you think it is. Have yourself make a choice between two things.